Best FastAPI SaaS Boilerplates and Starter Kits

If you consider the time savings, using a FastAPI SaaS boilerplate or starter kit for building your next software product is a no-brainer.

On average, a FastAPI boilerplate costs $99 and can save you 40 hours of development time. So if you value your time above $3 per hour, the ROI is clear.

That time you save? Better spend it launching your SaaS and acquiring users.

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FastAPI SaaS Boilerplates



DeployFast is a one-click solution to deploy AI wrappers with FastAPI, Docker, and Streamlit with OpenAI and ElevenLabs APIs. It provides ready-to-use API calls for JSON mode chat completion, image generation, speech-to-text, and text-to-speech. All you need is to add your API key. You can also create your own customized API endpoints with automatic documentation, and deploy them with Docker to your favorite cloud provider. DeployFast is also easily containerized for any cloud (AWS or Azure), which makes the setup and deployment easy for both newbies and pros, so you can focus on building AI wrappers and applications quickly instead of worrying about the infrastructure.

Jayson Cunanan
$99 - $199
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Choosing the right FastAPI boilerplate for your next SaaS